Terms (ENG)

Travel Terms and Conditions

Article 1 (Purpose): The purpose of these terms and conditions is to specify the detailed implementation and compliance matters of the overseas travel contract concluded between LiveAct Inc. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the company’) and the traveler.

Article 2 (Definition of Terms): The types and definitions of travel, and the definition of overseas travel agency are as follows: 1.1. Package travel: Travel conducted by recruiting travelers through advertising or other methods by pre-determining travel destinations, tourist schedules, transportation and accommodation services (hereinafter referred to as ‘travel services’), and travel expenses. 1.2. Overseas travel agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘agency contract’): The company agrees to receive a certain agency fee from the traveler, and acts on behalf of the traveler’s entrusted business (hereinafter referred to as ‘agency business’).

Article 3 (Obligations of the Company and Traveler): 3.1. The company must faithfully perform its duties in the process of planning and implementing travel arrangements and guidance, transportation, accommodation, etc. to provide safe and satisfactory travel services to travelers. 3.2. Travelers must actively cooperate in promoting harmony among travelers and maintaining the travel order of the company for a safe and enjoyable trip.

Article 4 (Composition of the Contract): 4.1. The travel contract consists of a travel contract (attachment), travel terms and conditions, and a travel schedule (or travel description). 4.2. The travel contract must include the company’s trade name, location, and the contents of the guarantee insurance according to Article 9 of the Tourism Promotion Act (or the status of deposit of operating guarantee money). 4.3. The travel schedule (or travel description) should include the actual schedule, the content of the services provided by the company, and precautions for travelers.

Article 5 (Refusal to Conclude a Contract): The company may refuse to conclude a contract with a traveler if there is a reason corresponding to any of the following items: 5.1. When it is determined that there is an obstacle to the smooth implementation of group travel (such as causing inconvenience to other travelers) due to reasons such as illness, physical abnormality, etc. that require individual care. 5.2. When the maximum number of participants specified in the contract exceeds.

Article 6 (Special Agreement): The company and the traveler can make a special agreement in writing (including electronic documents) within the range that does not violate related laws.

Article 7 (Provision of Contract, etc. and Safety Information): The company must provide safety information about the travel destination when concluding a travel contract with a traveler.

Article 8 (Assumed Delivery of Contract and Terms, etc.): It is considered that the travel contract, travel terms and conditions, and travel schedule (or travel description) have been delivered in any of the following cases.

Article 9 (Responsibility of the Company): The company is responsible for any damage caused to the traveler by the company itself or its employees, local travel agencies or their employees, etc. (hereinafter referred to as ’employees’) related to the company’s duties stipulated in Article 3, Paragraph 1, intentionally or negligently from the start to the end of the travel.

Article 10 (Travel Fee):
10.1. The following items are included in the travel fee of the travel contract. However, in case of a desired travel, it is according to the agreement between the parties.

10.2. Notwithstanding Paragraph 1, if there are expenses that must be paid locally, the details and amount should be separately specified in the travel contract, and the company should guide the reason.

10.3. The traveler must pay the travel fee in Paragraph 1 by card, account transfer or bank transfer, etc. according to the agreement between the parties.

10.4. If the travel insurance premium is included in the package travel fee, the company must explain the insurance company name, compensation details, etc. to the traveler.

Article 11 (Change of Travel Fee):
11.1. When conducting overseas travel, if the fee to be paid to the transportation/accommodation institution increases or decreases by 5% or more than at the time of contract conclusion, or if the foreign exchange rate applied to the travel fee increases or decreases by 2% or more than at the time of contract conclusion, the company or the traveler can request an increase or decrease in the travel fee within the range of the increased or decreased amount.

11.2. When the company has increased the travel fee according to the provisions of Paragraph 1, it must notify the traveler 15 days before the departure date.

Article 12 (Travel Conditions Change Requirements and Settlement of Fees, etc.)

  1. The travel conditions specified in the contract can only be changed in the following cases:
    1. When both parties agree that it is inevitable due to the traveler’s request or local conditions for the safety and protection of the traveler.
    2. In case of natural disasters, wars, government orders, strikes, shutdowns of transportation and accommodation institutions, etc., making it impossible to achieve the purpose of the trip.
  2. If the company changes the travel schedule specified in the contract, it must obtain the written consent of the traveler before the start of the schedule on the corresponding date. The written consent form must include the change date, change details, and costs incurred by the change.
  3. In case of natural disasters, accidents, kidnappings, or other emergencies that make it difficult to obtain consent for travel schedule changes from the traveler, the consent form for schedule changes according to paragraph 2 may not be obtained. However, the company must explain the reason for the change and costs, etc., in writing afterwards.
  4. In case of an increase or decrease in the travel fee of Article 10, Paragraph 1 due to the change of travel conditions of Paragraph 1 and the change of travel fee of Article 11, the change before departure should be settled (refunded) before departure, and the change during the trip should be settled (refunded) within 30 days after the end of the trip.
  5. If the travel conditions are changed without complying with the provisions of Paragraph 1, or if damages occur due to the termination or cancellation of the contract according to the provisions of Articles 16 to 18, the amount incurred before departure should be settled (refunded) before departure, and the amount incurred during the trip should be settled (refunded) within 30 days after the end of the trip.
  6. After the start of the trip, if the traveler cannot receive services included in the travel fee such as accommodation, meals, and sightseeing due to his/her own circumstances, he/she cannot claim a refund of the corresponding fee from the company. However, if the trip ends midway, it will be handled according to Article 18.

Article 13 (Transfer of Traveler’s Status)

  1. If the traveler wants to transfer his/her status due to personal reasons, he/she must obtain the consent of the company. In this case, the company can agree to the transfer on the condition that the traveler or the person who wants to take over the status of the traveler pays the cost incurred by the transfer.
  2. If there is a cost incurred by the transfer in the previous paragraph, the company must set a deadline to claim payment of the cost.
  3. The company may refuse to approve the transfer in Paragraph 1 for reasons such as contract conditions or unavoidable circumstances that make it difficult to transfer.
  4. The transfer in Paragraph 1 takes effect when the company approves it. However, if the company agrees to the transfer on the condition that the cost incurred by the transfer is paid, it takes effect immediately when the cost is paid within the set deadline.
  5. When the status of the traveler is transferred, all rights and obligations of the traveler related to the travel contract are also transferred to the person who takes over the status.

Article 14 (Company’s Warranty for Defects)

  1. If there is a defect in the trip, the traveler can claim the company for rectification of the defect or reduction of the price. However, if the correction involves too much cost or if it is unreasonable to expect correction, the correction cannot be claimed.
  2. The traveler can claim compensation instead of the claim for rectification or reduction, or can claim compensation along with the claim for rectification or reduction.
  3. The rights of Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 can be exercised during the travel period and must be exercised within 3 months from the end of the trip.

Article 15 (Damages)

  1. If the company causes damage to the traveler due to the intention or negligence of the local travel agency, etc., the company must compensate the traveler for the damage.
  2. If the traveler’s travel schedule is disrupted because the company failed to obtain a visa necessary for overseas travel, re-entry permit, or various certificates, etc., due to its own fault, the company must compensate the traveler for the full amount received for the procedure and 100% of that amount.
  3. The company must compensate for the damage caused to the traveler due to the delay or traffic congestion of transportation facilities such as airplanes, trains, and ships. However, this is not the case when the company proves that there is no intention or negligence.
  4. If the company or its employees do not prove that they have not been negligent in receiving, delivering, and storing the traveler’s luggage, they cannot avoid the responsibility to compensate for the damage caused by the loss, damage, or delay of the traveler’s luggage.

Article 16 (Termination of Contract Before Travel Starts)

  1. Either the company or the traveler can terminate this travel contract before the start of travel. In this case, any damages incurred are compensated according to the ‘Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards’ (Fair Trade Commission Notice).
  2. The company or the traveler can terminate this travel contract without paying the damages of Paragraph 1 to the other party if any of the following reasons occur before the start of travel: a. Cases where the company can terminate: i. Cases under Article 12, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 and 2 ii. When it is recognized that the traveler causes inconvenience to other travelers or significantly impedes the smooth conduct of the trip iii. When a physical condition such as illness makes it impossible for the traveler to participate in the trip iv. When the traveler does not pay the travel fare by the deadline specified in the contract b. Cases where the traveler can terminate: i. Cases under Article 12, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 and 2 ii. When the company has not enrolled in the deduction or guarantee insurance according to Article 21, or not deposited a business guarantee iii. When a relative within the 3rd degree of kinship of the traveler dies iv. When a physical condition such as illness makes it impossible for the traveler to participate in the trip v. When the traveler’s spouse or direct ancestor is hospitalized for over 3 days due to a physical condition and it is difficult to be discharged before the start of travel vi. When it becomes impossible to conduct the trip according to the itinerary specified in the contract or travel schedule (travel brochure) due to the company’s fault vii. When it is recognized that the continuation of the trip is difficult due to the increase in the travel fare under the provisions of Article 10, Paragraph 1

Article 17-1 (Termination of Contract When Minimum Number of Participants is Not Met)

  1. If the company cannot meet the minimum number of participants and has to terminate the travel contract, it must notify the traveler at least 7 days before the travel start.
  2. If the company terminates the contract without notifying within the period of the previous paragraph due to a shortage of travel participants, in addition to refunding the already received contract money, the company must compensate the traveler with the following amounts: a. If notified until one day before the start of travel: 30% of the travel fare b. If notified on the day of travel: 50% of the travel fare

Article 17-2 (Termination of Contract by the Company or Traveler due to Outbreak of Infectious Diseases)

  1. If there are any of the following reasons due to the outbreak of infectious diseases, etc., the company or the traveler can terminate the contract without paying the damages of Article 16, Paragraph 1: a. When a foreign government issues a command equivalent to entry ban or quarantine measures against our citizens, making it impossible to perform the contract b. When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues a travel warning level 3 (recommendation to withdraw) or level 4 (travel ban) to the travel area/country after the contract has been concluded, making it impossible to perform the contract c. When the operation of air, rail, ship, etc. is suspended, making it impossible to perform the contract
  2. After the conclusion of the contract, if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issues a special travel warning to the travel area/country, or if the World Health Organization (WHO) declares infectious disease warning level 5 or 6 (global pandemic, pandemic), making it significantly difficult to perform the contract, the company or the traveler can terminate the contract, and 50% of the damages of Article 16, Paragraph 1 are reduced. (However, in the case where the World Health Organization (WHO) declares the infectious disease warning level 5, this only applies to the area where the infectious disease has occurred)

Article 18 (Termination of Contract After Travel Starts)

  1. Either the company or the traveler can terminate the travel contract in case of unavoidable circumstances after the start of travel. However, if the reason for termination is due to the fault of one party, that party must compensate the other for any damages.
  2. If the travel contract is terminated according to Paragraph 1, the company, which has the obligation of return transportation, must transport the traveler back.
  3. The additional costs incurred due to the termination of the contract under Paragraph 1 are borne by the party whose circumstances led to the termination. If the termination is not due to the circumstances of either party, each party bears 50% of the additional costs.
  4. The traveler can terminate the contract if there is a significant defect in the travel and correction is not made or performance according to the contract cannot be expected.
  5. If the contract is terminated according to Paragraph 4, the company loses its right to claim payment. However, if the traveler has gained benefits from the executed trip, they must reimburse the company for those benefits.
  6. If the contract is terminated according to Paragraph 4, the company is obliged to take necessary measures due to the termination of the contract. If the company has the contractual obligation of return transportation, it must transport the traveler back. In principle, the company must bear the cost of return transportation, but if there is a reasonable reason, the company may claim part of the cost from the traveler.

Article 19 (Start and End of Travel) The start of travel is when the boarding process (embarkation process in case of a ship) is completed, and the end of travel is when the traveler leaves the customs area of the arrival hall. However, if there is domestic travel according to the contract, the departure and arrival times of the transportation used from the initial departure point are used.

Article 20 (Duty to Explain) The company must explain the important contents specified in the contract and their changes in a way that the traveler can understand.

Article 21 (Insurance Enrollment, etc.) The company must enroll in insurance or mutual aid, or deposit a business guarantee, to pay insurance money to the traveler in case of damage related to this travel.

Article 22 (Other Matters)

  1. If there is a dispute about matters not specified in this contract or about the interpretation of this contract, the company or the traveler decides by agreement. If an agreement is not reached, it follows related laws and general customs.

*Terms of personal information *

Privacy Policy

Collection and Use of Personal Information

  1. Purpose of Collection and Use
    • Reservation and consultation of products, confirmation of entry and exit eligibility.
    • Information of the reservation holder (name, email, mobile phone, landline).
    • Traveler information (Korean name, English name, date of birth, mobile number, gender, passport number, passport expiration date, nationality, passport copy).
    • Information will be destroyed after payment cancellation. However, it will be retained for 60 days for prevention and response to illegal activities, as required by relevant laws.
  2. Items Collected
    • Payment information: owner’s name, card number, installment months, expiration date, card PIN (first two digits).
    • Cash receipt issuance: cash receipt card number, mobile phone number.
  3. Right to Refuse Consent
    • You have the right to refuse the collection and use of personal information. However, refusal may result in the inability to provide reservation-related information and services.
  4. Collected Personal Information Items
    • Name, date of birth, gender, login ID, password, home address, mobile phone number, email, connection logs, cookies, payment records, English name, possession of passport/visa, passport/visa number, passport/visa expiration date.
  5. Purposes of Collection and Use
    • Contract fulfillment and fee settlement related to service provision.
    • Member management for service use.
    • Marketing and advertising.
  6. Retention and Use Period of Personal Information
    • Information is promptly destroyed after the purpose of collection and use is achieved.
  7. Third-party Provision and Sharing
    • Personal information is not disclosed externally unless the customer requests a consultation, in which case information is shared with the consulting travel agency.
  8. User Rights and How to Exercise Them
    • Users can inquire, modify, or request termination of their personal information. Contact the personal information manager through written, phone, or email requests.
  9. Use of Automatic Collection Devices and Refusal
    • Cookies are used for analysis, user preference tracking, and targeted marketing. Users have the option to refuse cookie installation in their web browser settings.
  10. Privacy Complaint Services
    • Complaints related to personal information protection can be addressed to the designated department or the personal information manager.
  11. Security Measures for Personal Information Protection
    • Technical measures: Password protection, encryption, intrusion detection, vulnerability analysis.
    • Administrative measures: Limited access, employee education, internal procedures for handling personal information.
    • Safeguarding against internal and external security incidents.

This Privacy Policy is designed to protect your personal information. Please read it carefully and contact us with any questions or concerns.

Ticket Pickup Method

This ticket is an electronic ticket and will not be delivered separately. It will be sent to the email address you provided later.

Refund Policy

Refunds can only be processed through the customer center, and refunds through other channels are not possible.

  • Cancellation Deadline and Fees:
    • 75 days or more before the date of use: No fee
    • 74 to 58 days before the date of use: 30% of the ticket amount
    • 57 to 39 days before the date of use: 70% of the ticket amount
    • 38 to 0 days before the date of use: No refund

Cancellation fees may vary depending on the nature of the product.

  • Credit Card Refunds:
    • Typically, the cancellation is completed, and confirmation of the card authorization cancellation is received 4-5 days later (excluding Saturdays and holidays).
    • Depending on the cancellation timing, only the amount excluding cancellation fees, reservation fees, and, if delivered, shipping fees will be refunded. (In the case of partial cancellation, the remaining ticket amount + fees will be refunded.)

Please note that approval cancellation and refund dates may vary according to each credit card company’s cancellation policy. For more details, contact your credit card company.

  • Bank Transfer Reservation:
    • When canceling a reservation, be sure to provide your bank account number and bank name for the refund.
    • Refunds can only be credited to the account in the name of the person who made the reservation.
    • After deducting cancellation fees, reservation fees, and shipping fees (if applicable), the refund will be processed.
    • Refund processing after cancellation typically takes 3-5 business days.


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이메일 : info@itstheshipkr.com

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사업자등록번호 : 499-81-01396 | 사업장주소 : 서울시 강남구 도산대로 12길 17-7 3층

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